2016 Women In Business

Tri-County Women In Business (WIB) seeks to engage women for professional development and networking opportunities. WIB educates and supports all women through a platform designed to inspire and empower.
Christa Evans
Hope Valley Country Club, General Manager
Glyndola Beasley
Durham Regional Financial Center, President
Cheryl Parquet
BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina, Program Manager - Community Relations
Leslie Beckman
Lepage Associates Psychological & Psychiatric Services, Development Coordinator
Toni Ridge
Frontier Communications, Business Accounts Executive
Leanne Tripp
Staybridge Suites of Durham
Denise Barnes
LeChase Construction Services, LLC, Regional Diversity Manager
Robi Leach
Doubletree by Hilton Raleigh-Durham Airport at Research Triangle Park, Senior Catering Sales Manger
Dyana Paredes
Pure-Line Plumbing, Marketing Manager
Zakiya Leggett
International Minute Press, Co-Owner/Marketing Manager
I am originally from Memphis, TN and came to NC for graduate school where I met my husband. We have two daughters ages 8 and 9 and have lived in th...
Katherine Bellamy
The Salvation Army, Public Relations/Outreach Coordinator
Tammie Sellman
The Salvation Army, Director of Community & Resource Development
Jerri Bland
Cloud CIO, LLC
Sheba Brown
A+ Test Prep, President
APlus Test Prep was founded by two veteran educators who know that finding ways to pay for college is just as important as being admitted to colleg...
Wendy Harrington
Palace Pointe, Marketing and Sales Manager
Connecting great businesses (and their products/services) -- with the customers that can benefit from them is something I'm dedicated to doing. I l...
Debbie Harrod Parrish
Riggs-Harrod Builders, Inc., Vice President / Controller
Deneatra Hairston
Manpower, Talent Placement Specialist
Meta Ripke-Wieber
Fairfield Inn & Suites Durham/Southpoint, Area Sales Manager-RTP Market
Holly Southerland
Bryant Durham Electric Co Inc, HR & Benefits Manager
Amy Poe
Money Mailer of Durham-Orange, Owner
Teresa Robinson
New York Life Insurance Company, Agent
Denise Carrillo
Frontier Communications, Business Account Executive
I work with local businesses on an individual basis to assist in developing a communication solution that best fits their business profile. Whether...
Trish Ladensack
Durham Center for Senior Life, Director of Finance and Administration
Mary-Charles Nassif, CFP®
Edward Jones - Mary-Charles Nassif, CFP®, Financial Advisor, Financial Advisor
Priscilla Wood
i2iSEOConsulting, President
i2iseoconsulting.com i2iSEOConsulting offers SEO services for small businesses. Our white hat techniques will bring more customers to local busin...
Kate Peters
Kate Peters ActionCoach, Business Coach
I work with emerging and established business owners to take their business to the next level through a focus on time, team, and money. I have 15 y...
Brenna McDaniel
Hope Valley Country Club, Marketing & Membership Director
Jill Shepard
Brookdale Durham, Sales Manager
Recently rated a 5 Star Community, we have the largest Clinical Team, with 3 full time Nurses (1RN & 2 LPN's) for a single building in North Caroli...
Maria Brisbon
Triangle Corporate Coach, VP and COO
Tina Ndoh
Kumon Math and Reading of Brier Creek, Owner and Instructor
Mary Hassert
20/30 Fast Track Durham/Chapel Hill, Vice President
We have a passion for helping others and love to see people succeed. She has made it her mission to help you and other people near Bull City by giv...
Ronita Barnes
Vector Security
Darrell Harris
Megan Huggins
BoneFish Grill, Headwait, Event Coordinator
Hello! I'm Megan and I'm Headwait and Event Coordinator, for Bonefish Grill in Durham. I will ensure that your private dining experience meets your...
Matt Bryson
Office Depot, Business Solutions Consultant
I create IT services offerings to help companies leverage technology to become more productive and profitable. My website can be found here
Paige Crafton
NCWorks, Career Advisor - Veterans
Emily Roberts
501 Nest Realty - Emily Roberts, Real Estate Agent
Emily Roberts is a passionate Durhamite, eager to assist and coach new and experienced home buyers and sellers alike through the exciting process. ...
Heather Vahdat
Male Contraceptive Initiative, Executive Director
Lisa Fisher
Fisher Associates, Principal
Lisa Fisher has over thirty years of experience leading executive search engagements for clients across sectors, functions, and geographies.​ In ...
Sandee Cooper
Real Property Management Impact, Owner
Mike Dare
Robins & Morton, Project Executive
Susan Sanford
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices York Simpson Underwood Realty, Director, Relocation and Business Development
Teresa Hartsfield
Code Wiz Durham, Owner/Operator
Teresa Treadaway
Fifth Third Bank, Financial Center Manager
Tiffany Griffin
Bright Black., CEO
Kate Macdonell
North Carolina Wesleyan University, Admissions Counselor
Hello! I am the Admissions Counselor for NC Wesleyan University's Adult & Professional Studies program for the Durham Campus. Our programs are buil...
La-Tasha Best-Gaddy
Infinity Bridges Inc, Chief Funding Strategist
Infinity Bridges Inc stands as a distinguished business consulting firm with a dedicated focus on providing invaluable services in business couns...
Lee Romano Sequeira
Off the Vine PR
 CERTIFIED SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIST  AWAI (American Writers & Artists Institute) WSET1 / WSET 2 Student Social Media Strategy & Management / Small...
Grace Marsh
Durham County, Director of Community Engagement
Responsible for ensuring the Sheriff and Durham County Sheriff's Office staff are engaged with the community through meetings, special events, chur...
Amber RichBook
Through the Grapevine LLC, Development Leader